NPR project week 3,4,5

A major load was in our schedule in previous weeks we had reading break, midterms and etc. and little by little in timeslot that we could find or on weekends we tried to improve our program: 
OK so lets get started!
Most of the work has been done from early days in July until the previous Monday.
In this time period we worked on:
Colouring for the user's drawing 
We basically thought of dividing the shapes in the user's drawing into two categories:

1)Lines and curves  
2)Polygons and closed boundaries

The closed boundaries and almost closed boundaries are programmed to be filled with a random colour picked from variety of colours that are listed for each mood.
The sharper and more vivid colours  from the book "guide to communicating with color" have been used for moods such as happy, energetic; softer colour has been used for moods such as romantic or sleepy, list of the categories used for each mood are listed below: 
                    Mood                           Colours category from the book     
Happy                                          Playful
   Sad                                           Spiritual
Energetic                                    Energetic
             Romantic                                   Sensual+romantic
Sleepy                                          Warm
         Hungry                                   Spicy+Luscious
        Cool                                       Cool+Serene
Angry                                       Classic
Anxious                                    Powerful
Different random colours has been assigned to each of the curves and lines as well as the inner filling of the polygons and their boundaries, a good example of this random colouring can be the figure below.
We have written a constraint in our program to avoid having same colour for two different part of the
drawing. In other words, no lines, boundaries nor background will have the same colour.

Emphasizing on user's mood by texture and filtering 
After finishing colouring and choosing the appropriate category of colours for the drawing, thought of using a good textures or usage of filters for the drawing were next. For using such filters and textures we first saved the coloured drawing  in a .jpg format so that we can try different filters on them, the filters and textures used are listed below :
  Mood                                         Filters or Textures used                                                        
Happy                                                   "Sharpen" filter                                             
Sad                                                              "jitter" filter 
Energetic                                          "Oil Painting" filter 
Romantic                                      texture has been added  
Sleepy                                              "Waterwave"  filter 
Hungry                                        texture has been added
Cool                                            texture has been added
Angry                                          texture has been added
Anxious                                       texture has been added

-Angry Texture-

-Anxious Texture- 

-Cool Texture-

Days to come....
For the time that we have we will try to work more on the way that we choose the close boundaries, better selection for background colour and making the "share" icon available on the "MoodPainter" framework. Also a case study will be done probably we'll ask 12 person to express their feeling by the MoodPainter and 12 persons will evaluate the feeling of the drawers of the paintings.
The timer on the MoodPainter will be decreased so the process will be faster as well. 
