
Showing posts from August, 2012

NPR Project week 6 and 7

In these two weeks we improved our program which we have listed some of  them in the prior blog. 1) The timer is fixed and now its 45 second and it will start to countdown when the user starts to draw 2) The ability to share your drawing on facebook is finally there  (like like like :D ) 3) The eraser is fixed and now each stroke can be erased by the user's decision and the rest of the strokes are safe from being deleted. 4) The head of the lines are now like half of a circle for a better looking result . 5) We also added an option for chosing the colors in each category since someone might like to have the colors in a way that its arranged by herself/himself. then after completing the above tasks we started writing the paper that we are hoping to submit it to a publication, So that was a summary of what was going on in these two weeks. I'll update the blog as soon as I can :D